On Our Cultural Boiling Point

Andrew Schutt
2 min readJul 4, 2021

Yesterday I wrote about identifying blind spots, so I thought today would be an opportune time to write a bit about Titania McGrath.

If you’re not familiar, Titania McGrath is a white, non-white activist and radical intersectionalist poet. She’s a proud social justice warrior; part of the ideological and dystopian woke cult.

She’s also a pseudonym created by Andrew Doyle.

In the wicked world of wokeness that we live in, Doyle created Titania to display the hypocrisy of the woke ideology in a beautiful display of humorous irony.

For example, Tatiana tweets: “Martin Luther King was clearly too lazy to read Critical Race Theory” therefore, he “was white. Or at the very least white adjacent.”

This facetiously highlights the woke hyper-focus on race, which is quite ironic. Continuing to focus on racial differences doesn’t change them, it amplifies them, creating further division, despite the ideological cry for diversity.

What’s also ironic is that diversity training, which woke ideologues vehemently fight for, has been shown to not only be ineffective, but counter-productive.

This doesn’t make any sense, so what the hell is going on here?

In talking about SJWs and their woke ideology, Doyle says “they have an unshakeable certainty that their worldview is correct… And even though they are capable of the most horrendous dehumanising behaviour, they think they are the good guys… Titania was an attempt to highlight the inescapable hypocrisies of such a mindset.”

I would have to agree. It seems their ideology, while arguably well-intended, is one big fat blind spot.

It’s like ideological wokeness emerged as a strange counterweight to the wrongdoing of organizations like the KKK. But these woke ideologues don’t realize they’ve what they’re doing.

Perhaps nobody ever taught them that two wrongs don’t make a right.

I believe Titania to be a brilliant invention because, with the woke mob’s ideological stronghold on culture, we’re like frogs in a pot of wokeness: the woke water we’re in is gradually being heated up.

In my estimation, what Andrew Doyle has done with Titania’s character has helped accelerate the heating. That may seem counter-intuitive, but by doing so, the fact that we’re about to start boiling is becoming more obvious. More people are waking up to wokeness.

Some argue that humans only change when the pain of not changing is no longer bearable. To the degree that that is true, satirical expressions like Titania may help us reach that cultural tipping point before we boil to death in a steamy pot of wokeness.



Andrew Schutt

I’m just a curious little rhino. Host of The Andrew Schutt Show.